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Lunor CBRN Shelter technology - since 1947

LUNOR, G. Kull AG is the name of a complete range of civil defence components for CBRN Shelters and hardened buildings. LUNOR is the oldest firm in Switzerland specializing in this equipment for large and small protective structures, both for private and public use. 


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Protective structures and hardened buildings

Shelter provides reliable protection form external influences...

  • Effects of nuclear weapons: × heat radiation × radioactive radiation × ingress of radioactive dust from the ambient air × air blast (shock wave) × seismic shock × electromagnetic pulse
  • Ingress of chemical warfare agents and industrial pollutants as gas (vapour) and as aerosols
  • Ingress of biological warfare agents from the ambient air
  • Conventional explosion effects such as air blast (shock wave), fragments / debris


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